viernes, 6 de mayo de 2011

Love song NorthWest

I left yesterday and nobody realized it. I packed my life again.
I woke up and did the same daily routine. Took my bike and went to work. I had my coffee in the morning with a friend, worked, chatted with colleagues, had lunch with friends, played some music on my computer and left work. Went to the supermarket. Waved hands to everyone I met, "see you next week when I will be back from holidays". Somebody invited me to meet in downtown for a glass of wine, I gently refused, I got home. I have put my boarding passes on my bed, and I have started packing. Played loud music on the radio, danced, organized the backpack. I talked to a friend on the phone, she was coming to my area to go together to the swimming pool. I prepared my gym stuff and she came to pick me up at my house. I showed her all my belongings displayed on the bed. She did not realized. We left to the swimming pool. I met friends at the changing rooms and laughed with them. I did not talk to anyone, my friend left whilst I was still swimming and I waved good bye from the water when she was fading away. I swam. I went to the bars area and took a slice of pice at the usual corner, the usual size and the usual type of pizza. I went to the bar where I used to go and asked for a glass of wine. I stayed outside drinking on my own. I was blue. I paid and I left. I got home and put everything inside the backpack. I slept. I woke up and left. Nobody realized it. I run away. I am not coming back. I came here to stay. I am where I belong.

LOVE SONG Pignetown

Andavo al lavoro di corsa, saltando i gradini di due  in due, Adele cantava  "I will be waiting" nelle cuffie e mi riempiva la testa Hold me closer one more time. Prima di adormentarmi non avevo fatto altro che pensare a te e mi sono addormentato riccordando il tuo bacio. Sulle scale mi trovo Carla, ma ho solo tempo per: "Ciaoo scusa vado di corsa"

Sono per strada e vedo la mia bici parcheggiata, sul cestino la solita bottiglia di birra, i soliti ubbriacconi. Ormai non mi arrabio piu, mentre slego la bici, do una occhiata alla bottiglia e vedo che e servita come vaso per dei fiori, sorrido, almeno questi erano inamorati Say that you love me in your last goodbye. Mi chiedo se tenermi i fiori? no non posso, non mi appartiene... appoggio la bici al faro, e prendo la bottiglia per appogiarla nel muro, forse vengono dopo a prendere la bottiglia, io l'avrei fatto. Dentro la bottiglia che anche un pezzo di carta che fuoriesce, non resisto...e se fosse per me?. Mi si ferma un attimo il cuore, il respiro. Leggo: We did not have enough time But we had time against us, I leave you here and miles between us but I d would have LOVEd...

La nota e in inglese, e stato lui, era per me Now the sky has cleared. Le sue parole e quelle di Adele insieme splodono nella testa, non capisco niente, non posso fare che sorridere a 45 denti, prendo il telefonino velocemente, forse ancora non e partito, ed scrivo: STAY... I will waiting for you when you are ready to love me again

Sorrido, prendo la bici, camino per attraversare la strada e non vedo la macchina che fa retromarcia per prendere la mia vicina, non sento Carla che mi urla, solo sento Adele che mi ripete le parole che lui voleva dirmi. Mi giro per salutare Carla di nuovo, sento un colpo ma non capisco, la machina mi mette sotto, colpisco con la testa uno specchieto di una macchina in doppia fila e cado per terra.....I know I left you speechless, I'll be waiting for you, I know I left you speechless, I 'll be waiting for you....
Life here and now

Love song SouthEast

You are locked in your room, lying down in your bed and you turn on your left side to slip your hand underneath the pillow to pick our picture. You take a deep breath and look at the picture, my face is hidden by the flowers that I wanted you to smell. You now close your eyes, try to remember my face, you are looking for my face in your memories, you are almost there, a veil is falling down to let you see my face once more, and now you are trying harder because you want to remember my voice. 

I am in another city, in another country but I can feel deeply inside that you are thinking about me and I do want to stop it. 

I leave my shopping bags on the floor and close me eyes to stop you. The veil that a few seconds ago was falling down is now going up again like a wall in between us to cover my face before you can see me again for the very last time.The tone of my voice will never reach you again. I can feel that you try harder to remember but I am stronger than you.

I concentrate harder and I want you now to get up on your bare feet and open the window. Now I want you to look at SouthEast, I am blowing you my deepest breath and I do want you to take it. Breath me. 

I am inside you and I do want to leave a scarf in your heart like you did with mine. I move my left hand and I imagine that I am holding your heart. I close now my hand and you bleed. Your legs are shaking, you do not understand, and you fall. You want to scream, shout, the pain is too much, you never felt like this before. I stop your shout, you have no voice, you still do not understand and your eyes are now wide open and you start crying. I concentrate harder and I close your eyes, you are blind now. 

You begin to understand and grab the blanket to hide yourself from me. I am still standing in the middle in the market, I close my eyes and whisper slowly facing to NorthWest. "You will hear me now". My voice leaves my body, my country and reaches your ear and you try to hide yourself under the bed, but there is no scape, I want you to hear me now: "You are now dead".